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Favourites from our Magazine Blog

K-Laser Therapy Sessions in WA Learn The Benefits of K-Laser therapy
K-Laser Therapy appointments available at Hanly Veterinary Clinic and Hospital Call us to book an appointment. Tel: 9459 5595 What is a K-Laser therapy? In simple terms a K-laser is a non invasive device used to control the way energized atoms are able to release...

Sharpei Eyes Is your Dog Going Blind
Sharpei Eyes If your Sharpei looks like he or she may be squinting and clearly can’t see through droopy wrinkled eyelids or has any kind of eye discharge, the chances are the cornea may already be damaged especially if the cornea opacity looks in the slightest bit...

German Shepherd Recovery 48 hours after Hip Surgery
German Shepherd Dog Recovery Progress 48 hours post hip surgery A Video from 2015 we thought you might like to see.

New family Dog
Hanly Vets welcome your new family Dog and offer sound advice Basic things you need for your Puppy or Dog. 3 x bowls. two for permanent fresh clean water changed regularly during each day and as many times as necessary. (in hot weather, this could be as much as 4 or 5...

New family Cat
Hanly Vets welcome your new family Cat and offer sound advice Basic things you need for your Cat or Kitten. 3 x bowls. two for permanent fresh clean water changed regularly during each day and as many times as necessary. (in hot weather, this could be as much as 4 or...

Fly Strike – Dogs ears eaten by flies
Fly Strike Problems on Dog ears Do not let your dog become a victim to Fly Strike on their ears. Solution - All Natural Fly Balm Use our vet made all natural Fly balm to stop the fly’s biting. All you will need to do is apply daily to their heads and ears. Available...

Hanly Vets clean pets teeth with an ultrasonic scaler
Hanly Vets clean pets teeth with an ultrasonic scaler When People ask Hanly Veterinary Clinic and Hospital My Dog has bad breath what can I do? My Cat has bad breath what can I do? Advice about Pet’s Teeth Check your pet’s teeth regularly every 6 months. If the mouth...

Dog Knee Problems Cause and Solutions
Dog Knee problems are common You would have heard of a person tearing a knee ligament, therefore they will need surgery to repair it. The same type of injury happens to Dogs. ACL injuries in dogs are actually the number one orthopaedic disease faced by dogs. Dog knee...