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Favourites from our Magazine Blog

Harmful Foods to Pets
Hanly Vets talk about Harmful Foods to Pets The whole issue of eggs, milk, chocolate, potatoes, grapes, and onions is now lost to gross generalisation and diet mythology. Of course someone somewhere, sometime will react to something and this makes big news. A lot of...

Hanly Vets explain signs and symptoms of fleas.
Hanly Vets explain signs and symptoms of fleas Signs and symptoms of Fleas Flea infestations can be not only annoying for both dogs and humans but also very dangerous. Problems caused by fleas may range from mild to severe itching and discomfort to skin...

Home Made Food For Pets
Hanly Vets talk about Good Old Fashioned Home Made Food For Pets Clients consistently ask what many have asked over the years; Can my Dog eat what I eat? Can my Cat eat what I eat? What about home cooked food for Dogs In General, Natural diets with lots of variety in...

Old Age in Cats
Hanly Vets talk about old age in Cats Old age is not a disease As a result of advances in veterinary medicine, more knowledgeable care and improved nutrition, cats are now living much longer, healthier lives. But, just as for humans, the passage of time has its...

A loving memory of our little friend Milo
To the staff of Hanly Veterinary Clinic Thank you for taking such good care of me over the last 15+ years. After a period of trying to find a home I was fortunate to be adopted by a wonderful family with four boys who made me a member of the family. Thank you for not...