Pre Paid Sterilisation and Microchip vouchers online.
Breeders Sending Pets to Perth WA ?
Pre paid Sterilisation Vouchers are available on line for pets destined for Western Australia Ideal and convenient for Cat Breeders.
Pre paid Sterilisation vouchers for Female Cats can be found and purchased here
Pre paid Sterilisation vouchers for Male Cats can be found and purchased here
If your pet is not already microchipped and registered with the Register in your State, micro chipping can be done at the same time if sending pets to Perth WA or separate to sterilisation in Perth WA and registered at no additional cost Nationally as opposed to just NSW (little point if the pet is to live in WA, you can have your pet microchipped and registered Nationally from WA). Most breeders sending Pets to WA prefer this option.
If the Pet is to be sterilised, the Microchip the procedure can also done whilst the pet is under anesthetic and won’t feel a thing. All sterilised pets are provided with a certificate of sterilisation. See microchip pre paid vouchers for more information about microchips and the procedure. Contact Hanly Vet We are here to help.
Breeders Sending Pets to Perth WA can buy Pre Paid Microchip vouchers online here, a sensible option when sending pets to Perth WA
More Breeders Sending Pets to Perth WA choose to buy pre paid sterilisation and pre paid Microchip vouchers for pets, from Hanly Vets in the centralized location of Maddington in WA for the convenience of all Pet owners regardless of the new pet owners location. Maddington is extremely central and easy to get to via major freeways from all Perth metropolitan and rural directions, with everybody in Perth WA knowing where Maddington is.
Hanly Veterinary Clinic and Hospital
2020 Albany Highway, Maddington, WA