Pre Paid Microchip Voucher for Pets



Hanly Veterinary Clinic & Hospital affordable Pre Paid Microchip Vouchers for your Pets

Microchip registration in the AAR Microchip Database.
The AAR (Australian Animal Register), is NOT to be confused with Council or Shire Registration which is very different from registering a pet’s Microchip number with a Microchip database and Register.

Pet owners if they choose to, may also wish to register their Pets Microchip number with other Animal Microchip registers, there is a list of registers and contact numbers at the bottom of this page.

Not Included:
Council Registration
It is the Pet owners responsibility to register their Pet according to the current Pet laws with their local Council or Shire. When Pet owners register their pets with their local Council, It is normal to also be asked for your pets Microchip number. All Cats and Dogs must be Microchipped by Law.

Pre Paid Microchip Vouchers are convenient for those Breeders located in remote areas, or for pet owners who wish to buy a pre paid voucher at a competitive price. Hanly Veterinary Clinic provides affordable pre paid microchip vouchers for all breeders & pet owners.  You may purchase online by adding to your cart. Instructions for redeeming the vouchers are printed on the Microchip voucher as a reminder and guide for new pet owners, and can be redeemed at the centrally located Hanly Veterinary clinic in Maddington WA. All of our Pre paid vouchers are sent to you by mail at no charge. Please clearly note: You will not receive a Microchip, you are purchasing a pre paid voucher to have the procedure completed meaning your pet will arrive at Hanly Veterinary clinic for a pre arranged appointment to be microchipped by a Veterinarian. Registration papers will be completed at the same time where your pet will become registered as being Microchipped. You will also be provided with your Pets microchip number. Contact Hanly Vet if you are unsure about this procedure or have any other queries. We are here to help.

You may also wish to call us on (08) 9459 5595 during opening hours

What is a Microchip?

Hanly Vets Pre Paid MicrochipA microchip is a RFID that transmits stored information.  RFID  means (Radio Frequency Identification Device). They are approximately the size of a grain of rice and safe to use on your pets for identification purposes. A microchip is implanted in an animal with a sterile implantation device usually in the soft scruff of the neck.

Microchips for Pets is an extremely common, and very safe procedure.

Microchips make use of Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) technology. RFID technology was discovered in 1948 by Harry Stockman, it allows information to be transmitted though radio waves to a receiver (a scanner) and has been used in many applications such as security and surveillance, and the tracking of animals, vehicles and even artwork for around the last 30 years.

There are 5 National Microchip Databases in Australia.

However there is also a  single NSW State Wide Microchip Database called the NSW Companion Animals Register.

The 5 National Microchip Databases in Australia are:

National Registers

  • National Pet Register 1300 734 738
  • Central Animal Records 03 9706 3187
  • Australasian Animal Register 02 9704 1450
    (We register your pet here at AAR) Included when you buy a Pre Paid Voucher
  • Petsafe 02 9476 5631
  • HomesafeID 1300 537 140

State Register

  • NSW Companion Animals Register

The Australian Government requires all Cats to be Microchipped by Law Hanly Vets recommends having all pets Microchipped

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