Canine Hip Dysplasia
Canine Hip Dysplasia in dogs is an abnormal formation of the hip joint; you can think of the hip joint like a ball and socket fitting snugly together. When hip joints are dysplastic it means the joints are too loose and depending on severity, hip dysplasia eventually causes painful arthritis of the joints and crippling lameness where the dog will no longer be able to walk or stand.
There are options to help your dog live a relatively normal and positively pain free life
Hip dysplasia is relatively common in quite a lot of dog breeds; it is basically a defect also affected by the dog’s lifestyle and environmental situation.
Tell tail signs of Canine Hip Dysplasia
Young dogs and puppies with hip dysplasia often express pain showing as stiffness after play or general exercise.
Other give away signs are in the way the young dog moves.
For instance; “bunny hopping” can be noticed as the dog appears to use one or both back legs to bunny hop using both legs together at the same time to hop like a rabbit does with its back legs, rather than moving one leg after the other like a horse trotting as it transfers it’s body weight in a freely moving gate.
Bunny hopping is easily noticed in puppies up to 12 months of age.
My Dog Might Have Canine Hip Dysplasia – What can I do?
If you think your dog may be moving abnormally “Bunny hopping” in the back legs, showing signs of stiffness or perhaps the dog is reluctant to indulge in normal exercise and play, come and talk to us about things we can do.
There are certainly Canine Hip Dysplasia options available.
Because hip dysplasia is an abnormal formation of the hip joint, varying degrees of dysplasia are relevant to each individual dog’s treatment, recovery and rehabilitation plan.
Hip Dysplasia – Corrective Surgery
There is no such thing as a quick fix, although veterinary science has come a long way in recent years.
However, with planning, patience, dedication to physiotherapy and proper after care.
Your dog can live a relatively normal and positively pain free life
Hip Surgery Canine Hip Dysplasia
In extreme debilitating cases hip surgery is recommended to improve the quality of life.
1.) Total hip replacement
2.) Hip ablation with tissue transfer to buffer and cushion the bone
Without complications legs return to normal function 3-12 months post op. An 80%-90% function is possible, no drugs, no pain and life long. Post op care is critical persistence and patience over a 3-12 month healing time. No such thing as a quick fix, swimming is the best physio (running is a no no!) to build muscle mass.
Amputations of legs are a last resort. When major nerves are severed, circulation fails and tissues become gangrenous. Most legs can be repaired using combinations of pins, plates, screws, nylon, splints and plaster casts. Costs are similar to amputations. Stem cells into the fracture and intravenously stimulate bone healing rapidly but are expensive. Laser application also stimulates blood flow and bone healing, laser is not expensive. Some multiple fractures take 3-6 months to heal. Post op care and patience is required.