Multiple fractures of the tibia

This x-ray of a cat shows multiple fractures of the tibia.

First we had to remove all floating pieces of shattered bone, then we carefully align and repair the fracture with a plate and 5 special screws.

Fracture radius and ulna

This x-ray reveals a fracture radius and ulna in a cat

We used a long plate with no screws over fracture site, and 2 x 2 special screws at each end of plate.

 Husky Dog’s digit fracture

An x-ray of this Husky Dog’s foot shows Digit 2 front foot fracture

We repaired the digit with a plate and 4 special screws.

 8 Fractures in Front Paw

An x-ray showing 8 fractures in a Dog’s fore paw

We repaired the fractures with a plate and 5 special screws, it healed well.

Fractures in right Elbow

An x-ray showing fractures in a Dog’s Elbow.

We repaired the fractures with a plate and many special screws.

Orthopaedic Surgery

Multiple fractured bones of the foot surgically repaired with multiple plates and special types of surgical screws.

Below are surgery photos and x-rays for your interest. See also – Removal of Arthritis from Knee Joint.

 X-Ray of the foot prior to surgery


During Surgery

Orthopaedic Surgery Multiple fractured bones of the foot surgically repaired w-clinic-camera-15th-May-2013-039 w-clinic-camera-15th-May-2013-042

w-Fore-Leg-Carpus_Metacarpus-AP-9_5_2013-4_59_07-PM-468 w-Fore-Leg-Carpus_Metacarpus-AP-9_5_2013-4_59_04-PM-625 Orthopaedic Surgery Multiple fractured bones of the foot surgically repaired

Surgery complete and the foot is repaired

Orthopaedic Surgery Multiple fractured bones of the foot surgically repaired     w-clinic-camera-15th-May-2013-044


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